Monday, September 13, 2010

7 Don't after meal

1. Don't smoke - smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoke 10 cigarette. Chances of getting cancer is higher...

2. Don't eat fruits immediately - causes stomach to be bloated with air. Take 1-2 hours after meal or before meal.

3. Don't drink tea - tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

4. Don't loosen your belt - causes the intestine to be twisted and blocked.

5. Don't bathe - causes the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will decrease and weaken the digestive system.

6. Don't walk about - causes the digestive system unable to absorb the nutrition.

7. Don't sleep immediately - The food will not able to digest properly and lead to gastric and infection in intestine.


  1. I'm not sure bout the fact don't drink tea after meal. You know Chinese people likes to drink hot chinese tea after dim sum right? They said hot tea can help you break down the fats you ate from the dim sum.

  2. drink a glass of tea after a meal is unhealthy.,,
    Because It can thining the stomach acid so it can disturb the disgestion proccess
    Besides the tea leaves contain many of tanin, it's tanat acid
    If drink a glass of tea after a meal, it will cause the amino which haven't disgestion will mix with tanin
    Tea also can persuing the absorbtion of ferrum
    If you often do that, it will caused anemia because your body less the ferrum

  3. Thats y i dunno which types of tea they are referring to ?? chinese tea ?? green tea... but when they said TEA LEAVES, i will automatically think of chinese tea.

    I keep google-ing, and all talk about the same thing...DONT DRINK TEA AFTER MEAL...I am blur also~~!!
