Sunday, January 31, 2010

Last day of January

The first month of year 2010 is approaching the end...February is going to take place from tomorrow onwards...

According to Chinese Lunar Calender, CNY will be on the 14-th day of the month which is crashed with Valentine's day...

I think this is a good opportunity for those couples who are planning to "throw a red boom" to their relatives and friends...

Let's imagine wedding ceremony will be held on the first day of CNY....Weew !

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy 21th...

The purpose we organized the gathering yesterday night was to celebrate Boon Ping's birthday...

Attendance of MK-1 :
PK, SY, ML, MK, Warren, BP, YH, TC, LC, CK, Winnie and me...

Happy 21th...time is flying...January is towards the end...sigh !!

Friday, January 29, 2010


这部电影是马来西亚第一部中文贺岁电影,100%本地制作,由 MyFm 电台 DJ 和 Astro 主持人和新秀扛大旗,合力主演这部贺岁电影。


我给这部电影 80% 因为毕竟还有进步的空间。其实故事情节是好的,就是嫌时间太短了,搞笑场面还没到顶点,悲伤的气氛还可以再多一些,就可以像梁导的作品同样棒 !

里头主要搞笑的演员就是林德荣-- 阿炳。他的演技是没有话可批评的了。Royce ,杨佳贤,卓卉勤 都还蛮搞笑的。赞 !

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Westlake Gathering MK-1

A gathering is held by TG-1 members at Westlake @10pm....Jeffrey and Seow will be going back to hometown tomorrow by bus...

Seow : attending cousin's wedding dinner...I think Seow going to get a big angpau before CNY...Happy first sex night, hopefully is the first time...Shoot as much as you can ! babies...:D

Jeffrey : mummy got slipped and suffered head injury...God bless aunt was not seriously injured...Hopefully aunt will recover soon...Thank God !

Attendance of TG-1 members :

Chin Leng, Sim Yee, Pik Kuan, Samantha, Kim Seow, Man Khong, Ying Hao, Spider, Jeffrey and me







Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fucked-up !

The fucked-up sunny and rainy day @Westlake @Kampar...warm and cool...I'm suffering cough and I think gonna to get flu soon....pure rubbish !

When I entered into lecture hall, the aircond was freaking cold and it was freaking warm when I stepped out of the lecture hall...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3 hooligans

This 2 pictures being captured during our break time for English For Business lecture...The 3 hooligans were posing like "hem"...LoL~~!!

Monday, January 25, 2010




没办法之下,只好到其他银行的提款机去提款,由于蜘蛛滨身上也身无分文,俩人真是同病相怜!还要给那家银行 ”吃“ RM1 作为手续费!真是他妈的倒霉!



阳光好照的天空散发着令人汗流浃背的热能,凉爽的感觉非讲堂莫属,但是那忽冷忽热的感觉让人感到不是味儿 !

当我们踏出讲堂 @4pm,走着走着,天空乌云密布,然后就下起雨来了。虽然不是滂沱大雨,但是那强烈的风不断地再吹,把雨滴打在我们的身上,还蛮过瘾的。


当然少不了那美丽的湖景,简直让人瞬间进入眼帘。棒 !

Sunday, January 24, 2010

week 2 begins

Week 2 is approaching, this is the moment that formal lectures and tutorials will be conducted as week 1 was an introduction week...

I'm waiting the moment to come as 5 lectures and 5 tutorials will be conducted from tomorrow onwards...

I've 3 lectures to go on Monday....2 lectures and 2 tutorials on Tuesday....3 tutorials on Wednesday.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


探险了椰壳洞三个小时半后, 大家累了也饿了,我们一大伙儿迫不及待地去寻觅食物,就非东波肉莫属。

我们八个人都点了一样的东波肉餐,老板和老板娘还送上一碟青菜和汤,大家都吃得大快朵颐。这东波肉,赞 !回味无穷 !

Gua Tempurung Exploration

Above is a picture being captured after we have thorough soaking in the cave...

Content :

There are 4 different packages for the cave exploration...We took the 4th package and it cost RM22 each person...The exploration last for 3 hrs 30 mins and it really worth !

Once we entered the cave at 11am, we have to climb over 1000++ stair cases and there are 10 platforms in total...Along the way, we're able to see a lot of rock formations in the cave....

Secondly, we proceeded to the next stage...We have to bend down our bodies to squeeze inside the narrow paths and even worst have to swim in the river and roll over to get through the narrow paths...

It was very challenging....Then, we came across to a water fall and all of us were wet...Then, we have to go through a 9 meters height of sliding....Each of us managed to complete the task...

Eventually, 3hrs30mins has passed very quickly and we reached the end of the exploration @ 2.30pm...

Above is a picture of the entrance of the Gua Tempurung...

We took a few pictures before we entered to the cave...

nice pose...! Thanks for KS for the shot~~!!

LoL...who snapped this picture?...

I love this picture....Look at YH and me...:D

Friday, January 22, 2010

Open House...

As Warren and Eng Kee have shifted to a new house, so they organized a open house party and invited us to join as well...There were 4 of us which included LC, MK, KS and me...

Eng Kee fetched us from Westlake to Eastlake at approximately 7pm and it was raining drizzly... The party ended at 11.00pm...

to be continued....

Then we rushed back to hostel to have a shower before we went for CK's birthday celebration... A staff there did a magic and it was quite interesting...

We spent our time there until 2am and headed back....

Thursday, January 21, 2010





Wednesday, January 20, 2010

结束 -(—)



Tuesday, January 19, 2010


任时光匆匆流去,我只在乎你,心甘情愿留在这个鸟笼里,没有娱乐,也都找不到乐趣,我会真的觉得很可惜! 所以我求求你,就让我离开你,除了这,我才可以彻底忘记你!


Monday, January 18, 2010

First day..

The feeling of using the new blocks to have lecture and tutorial has created a lot of excitement to me as the scenery and views @ block F, G, H, I were very nice !

Unfortunately, for a cyclist who has to cycle all the way to university is about 2km to reached block A and imagine now have to cycle until to block I...Really faint~~!!

Another issue is the warm weather...It was freaking warm as the sun keep on producing heat non-stop and the rain doesn't fall at all...The sky looked gloomy and cloudy in the evening but eventually it did not rain...zzz

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back to Kampar

I'm back into the bird cage @ Kampar @ received me with open arms...It welcomed me with a sunny day when the time I arrived at approximately 5pm...

Aunt helped us to clean up the room and we just helped out a bit...We settled everything at about 7pm and headed to dinner before Spider's mum, his sisters and his girl friend left Kampar and back to KL at 8pm...

I adapted back to the lifestyle here when I met my friends at night for yum cha...For previous 2 semesters, I couldn't adapt and it needed about 1 week to kill off the feeling which I do not know how to express it by words....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

KL 不留我 ,Kampar 留我也





Friday, January 15, 2010





荒谬 !农历新年是华人隆重的日子,两天?什么道理!或许自己放自己的假一个星期,管不了这么多啦!到时才打算。

Thursday, January 14, 2010





Wednesday, January 13, 2010






Tuesday, January 12, 2010

超级星光大道 6


在上个星期五,马来西亚的钟盛忠止步30强,无缘晋级20强。由于评审对于钟盛忠的表现只是一般,没有什么特别之处,所以把他淘汰了 。



Monday, January 11, 2010

visit uncle n aunt....

After I came back from semester break, I have planned that the last week of semester break, I must visit my uncle and aunt...

So, I bought 10 siu bao for them...Aunt requested me to overnight there but I didn't pack any clothes there...As grandma went there with me, so I sent her back home first and drove off again..

So, I watched hk drama there and went to bed about 12.30am....The next morning, I have breakfast with aunt and my niece at restaurant before I drove back to home...'

I also "da bao" rojak and cendol on the way I drove to home...

The rain was falling heavily in the afternoon about 4pm...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ikano, The curve, 1U

Approximately 11am, we started our car engine to Ikano and The Curve for shopping after we had our brunch at Desa Aman Puri food court...

When the car arrived Ikano, the car park was full and the entrance was being blocked ...Unfortunately, it was one-way-road and I tried too make a illegal U-turn...Holy shit ! It was a exit entrance for basement car park...

I quickly make a reverse and got back to the main road...I have no choice to drive out to the LDP highway again and drove to The Curve again...So, we parked at IKEA since Ikano was full...

As usual, it was very difficult to find a single parking because of weekend~~!! We turned around the car park and "hunt" for people who were leaving the complex...Finally we found it~!!

I didn't buy any thing but JY and LK bought a few clothes...After that, we headed to 1U for second round...Finally I bought a shirt there...Subway appeared in LC mind and we headed to the counter and order some to eat before we went for dinner...

Pasar malam Kepong Baru was the last destination before LK drove off to Tanjung Malim... We bought a lot of so called "rubbish" food for our dinner : asam laksa, jagung, rojak, taiwan chicken chop, fishball and.....lastly smelley toufu...LoL~~!! They enjoyed eating it...Yummy...

The 2 days 1 night finally come to a full stop...BB, we shall meet again soon....

Saturday, January 9, 2010


When the time we left the restaurant, it was raining heavily and we headed to ss2...This was the initially plan as we want to meet WK and Ms Ooi there...

Unfortunately, when LC parked his car, he didn't pull the hand break and eventually the left wheel fell into the drain...Luckily it was just the wheel...As LK was parked just besides them, I horned non-stop but it didn't help...

Initially, we tried to pull the wheel out but failed...Addition, it was raining quite heavily and some of us were wet....We have no choice to call "pull car" service...We waited 1 hours+ and finally the staff arrived...

The car was not damaged badly as the bumper only suffered a "minor injury"...Thank God~~!! It was a black Saturday....


LK and his friends arrived my home at 1.15pm as they came to KL for shopping...The first destination was KL Petaling Street to visit few book shops as they want to search for academic books...

I twisted my right leg when the time we headed to car park to take the car....Then, we went Tian Hou Gong to pray and met JY and LC...After that, we headed to Sunway to eat steamboat for our dinner...

Above is the most famous wings in the restaurant..

We reached there about 6pm and the restaurant was not crowded...So, we started to "hunt" for food as all of us felt hungry...The most famous food here is BBQ chicken wings...It attracted all the customers because one big plate of chicken wings will be served in every 10 minutes...

So, all the customers will start to wait when the time almost there because the chicken wings will be finished within 20 seconds and the next customers have to wait the next round...Really LoL when you see all the customers "fighting" with each other in order to get the wings...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Half day "working"

I have completed my job this afternoon...bring notebook to shop for repairing, go ktm station to get form for half price ticket and go to Maybank for bank-in money...

Approximately 2pm, I started my car engine and went to the first destination- Kepong ktm station...I requested for the form and took it...Then I headed to Maybank to settle my stuffs...

Then, I went to customer service centre to clear my doubts about the laptop's problem before I sent the laptop back to the shop for repairing purpose because I worried that the staffs there will cheat me...

I got nothing to do as I have to wait until 7pm to fetch my mum back from office...So, I take-away a set of KFC and enjoyed my meal in the car..LoL~~!! The sky was gloomy and cloudy and it started to rain drizzly...

After I have eaten, what to do? I slept in the car for about an hour...Then I headed to Kepong Sentral station to submit the form but the staff told me that it only accepted in KL Central station...I was like...what the hell, so many procedures~~!!

Eventually, I did not take any further action and left the form in the car, then went and fetched mum...

My half day "working" day officially spent...haha~~!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


现在是晚上 11.30,不知不觉中,放假已经两个星期了,那就是考试也过了两个星期,又是放榜的时候了,心情总是忐忑不安,不知道成绩如何~~!!

本来我不知道成绩出炉了,一声 msn 的通知让我知道了这个消息,就马上到 UTAR PORTAL 去查看成绩。由于网络繁忙,不能够进入此网页,只好等到明天早上才能够查看。


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

half day "trip"

Thank you for the pictures that captured by Eu-Juin...I grabbed it from Twitter...

3 of us (Houzhi, Eu-Juin and me) went for lunch at approximately 11.40am...Once we confirmed, I headed to Eu-Juin's house and he drove to fetch Houzhi...

We were having our lunch at "Weng Kei" which located at Taman Kepong....Houzhi recommended us to try chicken shredded Hor Fun and we ordered 3 bowls of it...

It was quite nice...
After lunch, we headed to Tropicana and then went to SS14 to drink Cendol as Houzhi recommended again..It was quite nice but Kampar's Cendol tastes better...

We went to "Gei Dak Sik" at ss2 to eat "Sai Mai Lou" again...LoL...Finally, we were full and headed back to EJ's house to swim...

After swimming, we felt hungry again..We headed to Max Value to buy some sushi to eat....The wasabi rocks..LoL~~!! It was really.....haha~~!!
I enjoyed a lot..Thank to my friends...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010





Monday, January 4, 2010






Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ikano Power Centre

It has been long time I never have an outing with family...This morning, my sister called my mum to go shopping...Initially, I was still lying on the bed and do not want to join them...Within 2 minutes, I changed my mind..LoL~~!!

Just in few minutes time, my sister and brother-in-law as well as my 2 nephew arrived...So, we started to go....LDP was not conjested but it was hard to find a parking in Ikano Car Park...

We "walk walk" there and buy some stuffs only... We headed back to home at about 3pm...My Sunday~~!! haha...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


4 of us went 1U to sing K as Leslie and CS took half day off...When KL and I reached 1U, the car park was full and we couldn't find a parking...At the end, I found an illegal parking and just parked the car there...

We sang from 4pm until 7pm...The food and drinks were "suck" and it cost us RM37 each...damn~~!! Apart from that, Red Box also provides "suck" food and the price is almost the same...But, we have no choice to choose anymore...

I never been Green Box yet...Hopefully it provides the best service and food among the 3...Anyone who has been there before, please do leave me a comment and share to me...

Friday, January 1, 2010






Desa Park City...

Happy new year~~!!

We (KL, Leslie, CS, CY and me) went Desa Park City to countdown....When the time we reached the entrance of DPC, the traffic was conjested as all the cars were moving ahead into DPC for countdown...

Therefore, I parked my car at Menjalara and we walked to Waterfront...It was crowded by people....About 1o minutes later, countdown was started...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Happy New Year~~!! Fireworks went up and brighten the sky...So nice~~!! The fireworks lasted approximately 7 minutes and the excitement couldn't be expressed by words....