Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friends are not your water fish...Friendship is precious

"No pain, no gain", this phrase best describe to human being...Sometimes we have to go through something "pain", then this is the time our mind will "wake up" and able to see a lot of things that are not "on the surface"...We will start to think and understand a lot of things from different perspectives...

The most important "lesson" that i have learnt is do not treat friends as "water fish". Sometimes it is understandable that we need help from friends during emergency, but i realized that the phenomenon that occur around us is the "opposite" of it...

因此,我会提醒自己尽量不要麻烦朋友因为欠人家人情是很难还的。。即使朋友是很愿意伸出援手,但自己总是无法“过”自己的那关, 认为自己欠别人人情。。
Therefore, i will try my best to avoid giving troubles to friends if not neccessary even they're my good friends because we will "owe" them at the end...Although the viewpoint of our friends are willing to give helps, but definitely i will have the feeling of "owing something" to them...

On the other angle of view, sometimes we do not realize that we're giving a lot of troubles to friends...At the same time our friends definitely WILL NOT say NO to us when we request them for help such as "can u fetch me? ; give me a call when the time you come! please call me when your car reach my home!” and etc....

Therefore, i will rather let people owe me more than i owe people...I do not admit that i am perfect but honestly to tell, sometimes we're not even realize that the trouble-maker are ourselves...When the time we sit still and recall back, we will able to identify all the problems and start to analyze it and eventually feel sorry to our friends..
Friendship Forever~~!! We should appreciate the "chance" given by the God to know each others and formed in the same class~~~!! Cheers~~!!

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