Wednesday, July 6, 2011

18SX (2)

What are your reactions when u heard some words such as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transexual ?? 95% of the society will react : OMG, why ?? why ?? I can't accept it... It might have other phrases to be used or voiced out...

Don't discriminate because it's all about feelings... It might be human nature, nurture or combination of both... No one can control if their preferences are not on the straight track... This is something that cannot be blamed...

Honestly speaking, this bunch of people still cannot be fully recognized and accepted by the society... This is mainly because of mindset positioning effect... Yes, it's an illegal relationship from the perspectives of religious view...

But, do we have to really 100% obey to what we have learnt ?? I'm not saying that free thinkers are the best as they are not being tied up by any rules and regulations... I guess this will be an interesting debate question to be discussed....

When comes to human rights, they deserve their own rights~~!! They're just a normal human being but cannot be treated equally in the eye of world... What's wrong with that ?? Besides being found guilty in religious view, they are not wrong~~!!

In the 21th century, this is considered an open minded society as part of the community has started to accept GLBT groups... But generally, it's still unrecognizable because sometimes we are contradicting ourselves whether to accept this real fact~~!!

At last but not least, respect human rights as I said : Feelings come from the heart and we cannot control it... If you want to force it to change, go ahead with it but remember, can you bear the consequences that might be happened ??

Give a big round of applause to them... This is 21th century... Come on~~!! Of course, this will be a endless debate question if it's being discussed... What I can say and judge is : Analyze yourself and come out with your own answer...

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